產品分類簡要描述:介紹CKD可逆流減壓閥,喜開理可逆流減壓閥樣本松開面板安裝用的螺母, 螺母本身轉換為??斤頂功能, 可??松地??下旋鈕。安裝面板時, 可用螺母固定。安裝L 型支撐件時同樣也可以用螺母固定。(L 型支撐件的安裝, 不用擔心本體松動, 可牢固固定。) ※ 8000 系列除外。
排出閥等, 控制了排??等倒流時滴油。
. R . L 各元件的主要尺寸( 寬幅、深度) 的緊
湊型模塊設計。安裝時的尺寸, 只需單純計算
Loosen the nuts for mounting the panel, and the nut itself is converted to jin
Top function, you can loose down the knob. When installing the panel,
Fixed with nuts. The same can also be done with nuts when installing L-shaped supports.
(L-type support of the installation, do not worry about the body loose, can be firmly
Fixed. ) Except for the 8000 series.
調節滴油, 不需工具, 只要用手就能簡單調節。
并??在打開方向安裝了擋塊, 可防止脫落, 提高
※ 滴油調節??在0.5N.m 以內調節。
原來凸出安裝的壓力表既占用空間, 又會碰到
操作??員, 非常危險。新產??在本體中埋??壓
力表, 非常利索又??保了安??。
濾芯采用*的化學構造(PAT.PEND) 表面粗
糙, 越向內部越精細。網眼堵??大幅度減少,
一下就完成, 旋鈕方便可手動操作。
buried pressure gauge to save space
The original protruding installation of the pressure gauge does not take up space, will encounter
Operation staff, very dangerous. The new production is buried in the body
Power table, very agile and security of the security.
● corrosion resistance ??, security of the filter cup protective sleeve
On the basis of full consideration of the safety,
在充分考慮安??性的基礎上, 采用了不用擔心被腐蝕的塑料濾杯。
不用計量旋??或者管道旋??也能密封。( 使用
旋??型壓力表時??參照642 頁。)
the use of a plastic filter cup without fear of being corroded.
Do not measure the rotation or pipe rotation can also be sealed. (Use
When the pressure gauge is used, refer to page 642. )